Crisis of marriage and family

Taking in consideration a fact that I tend to stay away from all sorts of gossiping as well as fact that I tend to base my life on parable of bee and fly , I have to admit that many things from my surroundings were un known to me in every way . While having a conversation with a dear friend of mine , that came as a product of worry and grew even bigger afterwards , in short made me realize on how marriages , families and family life in its core are in deep crisis .

I had no idea.

What were the things I found out .

Adultery became so common and in same way part of OPEN and NORMAL (socially acceptable )thing . Under pressure of parents , husband starts treating his wife as a laborer (in his fields ) or just as a biological CARRIER of HIS children , as a justification for this treatment husband points Patriarchy and that system of patriarchal values .

A man lives in seemingly "happy marriage" , appears to be a pitch perfect father , but at the same time denies existence od wedlock born children , who by the way with all existing proofs are his . A man who finds out that his matured children are not biologically his .

With all of this , additionally families face alcohol problems and promiscuity (single or both sided effect of spouses ).

Fights and alienation due to financial and working crisis .

Psychological and physical violence and abuse , endless war fights in court rooms , public , anywhere ...

There are so many perplexed stories full of darkness and gloomy that sharing such story in public would be way too much , for me , how about people who get to read and know .

Unfortunately , I believe majority encountered similar stories and situations I am talking about here .

Besides the fact that we are dealing with dark stories of people who by their behaviour are pulling everyone to abyss of misfortune , we can not forget and diminish impact of this behaviour on children (who did not deserve or choose it ) leaving life lasting scars on their souls , harts , minds . There are so many children in this world who cherish simple parental love and care , there are so many children who are forced to grow over night , but there are also those who from early childhood get in touch with parental sin , guided on parental behaviour and example and that is just a simple recipe for disaster .

Core cell of every  society is family - and this is the fact that will never change . If family is broken , there are no chances for healthy and good society . Individuals in this case are prevented to progress in a positive way . The individuals have no opportunity to grow into strong people with a good character , cause of this lays in great lack of  healthy foundation. 

Then we are left with ill mannered , miserable , easy breakable individuals who at certain point of their life decide to form a family and as result we get bigger circles of darkness, devastation and misfortune .

Encouraging fact is that children who came out of broken families tend to grow into a healthy individual , leaving learned bad patterns of behaviour behind in effort to behave better then their parents . We are all given opportunity to fight for better , peace , happiness , freedom , to tend and run away from chaos of lie , suffering and lack of love .

We all have chance to try and build stronger self , despite fact of existing bad foundation.

We all should have choice to Love and Be Loved . Some of the most prominent characters in our history had bad and hard upbringing . We should not be determined or subordinated by misfortunes or wrongs .

As people /human/christians - we call ourselves upon , we should try to have more love , patience , consideration and understanding towards people who in past suffered and are trying now to find a right path - it takes a great person and supreme amount of effort to do so !

In addition , we should be cautious before labeling anyone as , for example "drug addict ".

I read this somewhere :" not all neglected children will become addicts , BUT all addicts in some point of their life were neglected children "- this way , or another .

We should not cast first stone on adulterer , not knowing her motive for such a choice , life story , possible domestic violence situation(s) .

We have no clue (so who are we to judge ).

On the other hand , I do not allude that we should justify her actions or choice , instead we should stop and think bit more before we decide to condemn or reject a person . And so on and so forth ..

Being calm and taking things calmly and with prudence is the key to success . Every marriage consists of fights , small and big , but we should keep in mind that person we fight with at the same time is the one we love too , and that we decided to become one . We should try to suffocate rage , furry , pride in fights , because they may open wounds in our loved one , that may never heal .WE GET MOST HURT BY THE ONES WE LOVE THE MOST - AS WELL AS VICE VERSA , and we should keep this in our minds .

Some things that may not be of importance to us , small, jokes , a "good lesson" or deserved punishment may make collateral damage on other . This should serve us as a reminder that we should always be cautious , talk more , and tend to find solutions immediately as problems happen . There is no pint in prolonging and run away from "hard words" . SOMETIMES THE HARDEST WORDS CLOSE THE BIGGEST ABYSSES .Sometimes the hardest thing is to understand the person we love the most , but at the same time that does not mean we should stop loving or carrying for them .

All in all , let us be honest , sometimes the best thing to do is to walk away in peace compared to forcing yourself and other to stay and live a lie . This walking away is not a move of weakness , but manifestation of greater love , where one chose not to be forced and live a lie , caused by pity and consideration towards ideas of other in what is wrong and what right .

It is way better to walk away with pure heart then to stay and put the dirt all over it "following" some rules and destroying life of self and others . Sincerity is one of greatest values . If all unhappy people were sincere on time , they would not end up in situation of magical circle of lie . This domino get dominates their life , and out of this game , in their opinion , there is not much worth living for. 

REAL LIFE IS FAR AWAY FROM LIE AND PRETEND . Best way to alienate ourselves from SELF and OTHERS ,is to follow the game of pretend and lie , and not trying to be ourselves and honest .

We should stick to who and what we are in order to FIX where necessary . We should confront SELF in order to confront the WORLD .

First step of repentance is acceptance , second - managing changes but with Gods merciful help , and as we walk the path of steps we are closer to peace and happiness .

Let us try to stay away from all those big and small games , thieves of our attention and time , while REAL life is passing by us , going away and vanishes behind horizon . A day will come when we would have to confess the truth in front of others , God and self : who we really are and what is our value ? How honestly we loved and appreciated what has been given to us ? Why did we leave the truth and embraced lie , poisoning even our dearest ones with it ?

In its core , life is very simple , but we tend to complicate it . Being scarred of truth that is in us .

Christ himself said :" The truth will set you free " , so let us pray and move forward - but towards the TRUTH .

An act of calmness is what I would ask for. Our deeds and words have consequences . We are held responsible for everything we think, say and do . Consequence of this responsibility could be mitigated only by God's mercy , but that does not diminish or erase OUR RESPONSIBILITY to repent and confess our sin and mistake . Additional pressure on us should be the knowledge that our acts sometimes may hurt our loved ones and we will be accountable and fully responsible for that .

"There is nothing hidden that will not uncover , and nothing secret that would stay un known !" (Mathew 10,6)

Absolutely nothing !

Family is utmost responsibility and requires utmost love . A family is a picture of Holy Trinity , and harming this picture equals sacrilege .

At the end there are many different , painful life stories on what I personally do not dare to give pattern solution for a specific situation .

No one should tell you or offer you that , in the best case scenario someone may just direct you .

The answers you should search for yourself , because it is your life we are talking about here. That is exact reason why you should be persistent and courageous . Not in any case a coward or a liar .

I pray to God almighty , that we all stay persistent in this path and search for sincerity (and truth) , love and peace .

Marko Radaković

Translate: Vanja Zivanovic Vilasin, who also said:

Article written by Marko Radakovic ,religious teacher, writer of articles , short stories connected with religious life and life as it is.
Following Avdenagom.blogspot you may find many interesting stories and truths on every day life , religious questions with answers and review made from different angles in touch with traditional and "modern" .

I choose to translate this article , because it depicts in full decline of society today , and core problems we all deal with as INDIVIDUALS , PARTS OF FAMILY AND SOCIETY . Would like to thank Marko on opportunity and permission for translation
